Hacker Group Anonymous has leaked 10,365 “top secret” emails from Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Anonymous says the files were accessed after the group infiltrated the Iranian Passport and Visa Office email center. All the files are currently available for download on mediafire and other Bittorrent sites.
Most of the emails concern visa applications for “an oil meeting". A quick perusing of the files shows that, in most case, the emails are from Iranian government officials alerting visa applicants of their status.
The initial attack apparently took place a number of days ago, and the Iranian government has been actively trying to keep news of the breach covered up. An Anonymous member said that the attacks were carried out in an attempt to damage Iran's image in both cyber space and in real world.
The Website of Minisitry of Foreign Affairs is still down. The Attacks was done by using various exploit and hand-crafted methods.