January 2011, India Blocking Blackberry Access

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MUMBAI - Manufacturer Blackberry Research in Motion (RIM) is given time to January 2011 to provide solutions to the government in order to access information in the Blackberry.

This is the latest deadline that launched the Indian government. The Indian government urged RIM must provide a final solution to the relevant government access Blackberry services in India, until 31 January.

Launched by the Straits Times, Tuesday (10/12/2010), the Indian government through the interior ministry asked RIM to provide full access to information that is in service to intelligence agencies and the authorities in India, to facilitate investigation of crime and terrorism cases.

Blackberry itself is rumored to have guaranteed the existence of manual access to the Indian government into the Blackberry messenger service and a Canadian company that promised to make the automation of such access on 2 January. With unfettered access this messenger, the Indian government has the right to see the traffic of existing conversation in realtime.

Apparently access to the chat service on the Blackberry is not enough to provide information to the government. Hence the Indian government had requested access to the Blackberry e-mail traffic that is encrypted, sent through the server company Research in Motion (RIM).

Added the RIM, the Blackberry system has been designed in a way that sedemikin a person, company or institution, it is possible to be given special access down the conversations and email traffic at the service.