Charlie Sheen Death Hoax Spreads Malware Through Facebook

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If you've been clicking on links and videos about Charlie Sheen's alleged death, you've been had by the latest social media malware scam.

Several similar headlines have been spreading around Facebook and, to a lesser extent, Twitter. They begin with "RIP!" or "Breaking News" and contain text to the effect that actor Charlie Sheen has died in his house or due to cardiac arrest.

Clicking on these links takes the user to a fake YouTube-clone page, where any click on any part of the screen will begin spreading the scam on the user's own Facebook profile. Then, the user is asked to complete a survey before viewing the video, which adds a lead-gen layer to the click-jacking scheme. Finally, some folks are reporting being infected with malware after visiting the site, as well. 

If you've already clicked links like the one above, first, go through your security settings and revoke any access for apps you don't recall signing up for. Next, go through your profile and delete any spammy posts you may have sent out. Finally, you might want to fire up your antivirus software and make sure your computer isn't infected.